Toypoodle Mikuru?Asakusa Tokyoのインスタグラム(purapura299) - 3月29日 07時36分

20160329 Tuesday. Mikuru ?
Gates like this show the entrance to a temple. Shinto shrines have a different kind of gate, a torii, so it's very easy to tell them apart. This gate is called Kaminari-mon. Kaminari is the Japanese for thunder, and mon just simply means gate. So it translates as gate of thunder. These two statues on the left and right here are the Gods of Wind and Thunder - they are protecting the temple so that no damages caused by wind and flood or any fires will occur and also to guarantee a prosperous harvest. On the big lantern in the middle, that's the character for "kaminari" (thunder) - and here on the bottom of the lantern, you can see it says Matsushita - that's the old company name for Panasonic. The gate actually burned down in the middle of the 19th century and a new was build in 1960 - cause the founder of Panasonic donated money. So that's why it says Matsushita up there.
#雷門 #kaminarimon #あさんぽ


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