ジョエル・ヒューストンのインスタグラム(joelhouston) - 4月1日 11時44分

Been 2 months since I've slept in my own bed.. In that time I've travelled from NY to Florida to California by bus, and then by sky to Hawaii, Australia, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Jordan, Israel, back to Jordan, Lebanon and finally Dubai, with a 5hr delay and one last 14hr flight between me and seeing @estherhouston @ziwhoo and the city I love... It's been the most insane trip of my life, but these last few days have been inexplainable.. Don't even know where to begin.. It's gonna take me some time to process it all.. And I hope I'm still as wrecked then as I am now.. At some point I'll try and download.. For now, I'll leave it with this little image right here, from a displacement camp in the béqaa valley between Lebanon and Syria.. ?❤️✌️


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