リンジー・モーガンのインスタグラム(linzzmorgan) - 4月2日 06時23分

I can't even caption this. ??? SPOILERS!!!! I had to watch last nights ep huddled in my covers, alone in the dark by myself...even though I knew what was coming...I hadn't seen it yet and...needed to be alone to grieve LOL.

Grieve bc this cast becomes your family and @リッキー・ウィットル is my brother, my heart breaks knowing I won't have your ridiculousness to put a smile on my face everyday next year but so proud of you and your next adventure!! You know I'll be tuning into that 'ish!! Bittersweet Ricardo. You're a true talent and beyond being.
Vanfam & The?❤️❤️❤️for lyfe ?


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