キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 4月3日 11時31分

Good morning! Headed out to spend the day with Mahendra, the sustainable farmer we came to Sri Lanka to meet. His story is feeling more important than ever. Last night, I read about a new climate model (published by Nature) that predicts rapid sea level rise – finding that the West Antarctic sheet ice, larger then Mexico, is more vulnerable to disintegration from a small amount of global warming than previously thought. This means coastal cities including New York, Miami, New Orleans, London, Venice, Shanghai, Honk Kong, and Sydney are being given “remote chances for survival." Like so much climate news, this feels to me beyond comprehension. How can we live with these scientific probabilities? All week we’ll be seeing and telling stories of hope from the frontlines, farmers like Mahendra and stewards of the rainforest finding ways to farm and ensure their communities are resilient and sustainable. But I am desperate for more stories of survival, resilience, resistance, and hope. If you know of one, will you tell it? Use the hashtag #MyForestStory


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