ティナ・マジョリーノのインスタグラム(tinamajorino) - 4月7日 05時24分

You know you love someone when you find a picture of the two of you in which she looks super pretty and you look like a crazy ass and you don't give a fart and you post it for the world to see. Anywho, it's almost this lady's birthday and so I had no choice but to showcase the beauty that is her. ( And also showcase that this is what most of our pictures together look like. #SorryImNotSorry ) #hbd Sweetcheeks. We've been through the shit together and we're better now than we've ever been. Here's to making it through another year, learning, growing, and getting better with age. Thanks for always being there for me no matter what. Stay weird. If you don't, I'll karate chop you in a sensitive area. I meant your throat. Just kidding. I won't. But seriously, always be yourself. Cause I love you. #wcw #ScuseMe #Soap #Weirdos #SisterFriends


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