Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月9日 21時18分

Today is our Neurotic's second birthday. I received her 16 months ago. I've taken incredible care of her but the Love that she has for @bofokaram is beyond description. Bofo is a Lovely Human and in my Heart I wished that Kiara and him would live together. Happy birthday to the craziest Lioness on the Planet. This video was taken yesterday...
Hoy es el segundo cumple de La Neurótica. Yo la recibí hace 16 meses pero vean el Amor que tiene por @bofokaram Si por mí fuera, Kiarita estaría viviendo con Bofo. El Amor que se tienen es indescriptible...
#babyKiaraBJWT #SaveLions #SaveOurPlanet #behuman #LoveConquers #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger


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