ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月11日 00時53分

Photograph by @paulnicklen for @sea_legacy // Propping herself into position, a mother polar bear assesses her surroundings before nursing her 9 month old cubs. At this stage of the journey, this mother has gone without a substantial meal for over 7 months. The previous winter, when all of the other bears were out on the frozen sea ice feeding on seals, she entered a den to give birth to cubs who were just one pound at the time. She must burn up her own energy, fat, and muscle in order to survive that duration without a meal and to produce rich milk to keep her cubs alive. The problem with climate change is that the sea ice is melting earlier each spring and freezing later each fall. These bears are having to wait longer and longer each year for a meal. Some scientists have predicted that we could see the extinction of polar bears within one hundred years from now due to human induced climate change. I am celebrating bear week on @paulnicken so please feel free to #followme to learn more and see more. @ナショナルジオグラフィック @thephotosociety @natgeocreative


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Valeriya Volkovaのインスタグラム
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