goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 4月16日 08時00分

#GoPro Featured Photographer: @chrisbenchetler

About the shot: While shooting episode two of Chasing El Nino, “Always Cloudy in BC” we saw that the snowmobile track was ripe. I’m jumping, with my boy @_SmithMade_ sitting on the snowmobile!
How I got the shot: Teamwork makes the dream work! My guy @Skichef had the #GoPro set to Burst Mode 30/3. He set the shot up with a painter pole and stationary camera so I could get the same height as my jump. Scotti had the Smart Remote while on the snowmobile and is the snowmobiler in the “Chasing El Nino” series. Without the team, this type of shot doesn’t happen! #GoPro #GoProSnow

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