unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月21日 07時02分

Dhan Bhadur Gurung, 32, stands on crutches along with his family member at his temporary shelter in Gupsi Pakha, in Laprak, in Gorkha district, #Nepal. Dhan Bhadur is the only source of income for his five members family, but during April 2015 earthquake he lost his house and also broke his leg, since then he is not able to generate any income for his family. Dhan Bhandur’s mother, Purnimaya Gurung has received the emergency top-up cash grant provided by UNICEF. Laprak is one of the epicenter villages of Gorkha district, where more than 600 hundred houses were destroyed during earthquake on 25 April 2015. Hundreds of earthquake victims, particularly the elderly and young children living in shelter of highland altitude have been facing a harsh winter season after snowfall. © UNICEF/UN017119/Shrestha


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