アンディー・ビアーザックのインスタグラム(andyblack) - 4月22日 02時48分

We were so fortunate to have our friends and family work so hard to help us have such a fantastic and beautiful wedding last weekend. I wanted to take a minute to thank Jonathan, Patrick, Richard, Jesse, Blasko, Yanni, Hayley, Candice, my amazing parents Chris and Amy, the entire Simms and Biersack families and my incredible in-laws Natalie (a one woman badass army) and Jeff (FIL), Angie, Brent, Frank, Anthony, Sienna, Rose, Sam and Val, Greg and Tina, Dj and Tossi, Lizzy and all of the extended family and friends who helped us with setting up tables, chairs and flower arrangements etc. We wanted to make this ceremony something that was personal and every element felt like it was our own and special and we were able to achieve that because of all of these kind and loving people. If I left anyone out I apologize but the list of friends who stepped up is too long to even write out. We love you and I am so thrilled to have had the chance to marry my soul mate and do so in front of some of my favorite people in the world. Thank you to all of our guests who made the journey out to the villa and to every one of you who have been so supportive of us. Here's to the future and a new and exciting chapter! Photo: @lizzy_cupcake

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