ニッキー・リードのインスタグラム(nikkireed) - 4月23日 02時04分

Happy #EarthDay everyone! We're out here in the middle of the ocean watching scientists study samples from the ocean floor in an attempt to see weather patterns which will determine the frequency and intensity of future hurricanes due to the rising temperatures of ocean water. Sitting here trying to make sense of it all while staring out at mother nature's beauty...beauty we often overlook. I can't believe we are destroying something so magnificent. We watched Racing Extinction again last night, and if you guys have a second to spare I highly recommend watching it as well. And maybe do something good for the planet today :). Anything. Perhaps you can walk to a coffee shop instead of driving, recycle, take a shower in half the time you normally do, pick up some trash, bring reusable bags to the market, eat only vegetables for the day, anything to break up the normal routine. I bet it'll feel so good to your soul that you'll start doing it everyday❤️???
@YearsOfLiving @ナショナルジオグラフィック #putapriceonit


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