ジーニー・チェンマイのインスタグラム(thejeanniemai) - 4月23日 09時44分

Let's celebrate the beauty and power of Mother Earth everyday. ?? It’s up to us to respect and preserve who she is for our future. ? Please take a moment to view the link in my bio and learn how much worse the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (a floating island of trash that is now bigger than TEXAS) has gotten. Picture it: Plastic outlives you + our future generations!! ?? I challenge you this weekend to note how many items of plastic are used in your day. It's insane! Then make a choice to reduce & reuse. Thx for letting me caw caw this off my chest. Nature is vital to @thehollywoodhunter and I, and we pray everyone lives healthy enjoying God's gift. Love u guys. #earthday


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