ルーシー・メックレンバーグのインスタグラム(lucymeck1) - 5月10日 01時55分

Even though I can't enter the @resultswithlucy #myinspo competition (would love to win a holiday to Antigua ?), I'm still sharing my biggest inspiration who is our very own @sophiegraceholmes - 24 years old amazing lady! She has more courage, determination and honesty then anyone I know. She is defying science and is beating cystic fibrosis by pure determination, making every minute of her existence count. There isn't a challenge she won't take on and will certainly conquer any fears she might have. Working with her is an absolute pleasure and honour ❤ #resultswithlucy - I nominate @sophiegraceholmes and @lydiameck to share their inspirational person ?

More info on the competition on @resultswithlucy ?


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