Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月15日 10時32分

Ali's first time roaring on video. But the funny thing is that Dharma started to roar too. Dharma became altered by Ali's roars. Then Michael jumped on top of Dharma while Ali bit Dharma's tail and Papa Bear had to get in between...
La primera vez que Ali ruge en cámara. Y Dharma se puso a rugir con el también. Luego Michael se aventó encima y su servidor tuvo que unirse a ellos...
#KingAliBJWT #Dharmis #Michaelingui #TheBigPrideBJWT #SaveLions #SaveLeopards #SaveJaguars #SaveTigers #SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #RescuedLions #MuhammadAli @muhammadali


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