ヤシー・プレスマンのインスタグラム(yassipressman) - 5月15日 21時52分

Heyyy look! @megastyleph ?|| REPOST: ???
In the age of Instagram and beautifying filters, it's easy to forget who we really are and appreciate what we have. So in our latest issue, we invite you to #LoveYourself. Take inspiration from our May cover girl Yassi Pressman as she talks about brushing off the haters, gaining confidence and doing her own thing. We also show you how #BraveGirls wear big bold prints and how you can rock a gypsy dress like a #Wanderlust. Log on to #Megastyleph for more #inspo on how you can look and feel good about yourself!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



