goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 5月18日 04時49分

@Intsikelelo means “blessing” in the Xhosa language, but for the small town of Langbos, South Africa, it also means #hope.
South Africa is home to over 3.7 million orphaned children—a staggering number that nearly matches the total population of Los Angeles. Half of these orphans have lost one or both parents to AIDS, and many live in abject poverty.
In 2014, brother Nick and Chris Grava founded @Intsikelelo, a non-profit with a mission to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in the region. Today, @Intsikelelo is raising $80,000 to build a new orphanage in Langbos. The design is influenced by local culture and style and incorporates sustainable design elements such as earthbag building, rainwater harvesting and renewable energy systems. Most of all, it will create a safe and nurturing home for the children in Langbos who need it most.
Join GoPro in supporting @Intsikelelo's efforts to help the children of South Africa learn, grow and follow their dreams. You can help by following the link in our bio. #GoPro


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