Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月19日 03時52分

Even if one is dead, if one's life was based on Love and Truth, the people that surrounded us will still be affected by our actions from years ago. Just like our King Labaito's life still affects us all that knew him. My boy may be dead, but his Spirit and presence is still felt like if he was here running around playing with Beverly, Dolano, Bedrock and Pryda. Ohh, and defending his siblings from Ma-Tzu and Dharma. But to me, the most beautiful action that I have witnessed in my life was when we rescued Lotus, and Ali, Luke and Han were roaring at him through the fence. Lotus was way bigger and little Labaito was hiding all the way behind the Lionesses, and I told him: "Labai, come here with your brothers, you are a Lion and Lions don't hide behind anyone." And our Labaito came and sat in front of Ali, Luke and Han and started roaring against the new giant Lotus. I will find that video and post it for you so that you may also experience that magical moment. Labai lived and died fighting. I was there until his last breath, so I am a witness of this courageous 35 Pound being that once roamed Planet Earth. In the meantime, enjoy our King Labai playing with his sister Beverly.
#LabaiForever #SaveLions #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BJWTclassics #PapaBearChronicles


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