Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月22日 09時05分

Labaito died because the zoo @yumka_anp and her director Cristel Perez Arevalo put him in a clinic because they fed him poorly and he could not go to the bathroom and they scratched his colon when they tried to unblock him. He was full of fleas and ticks. He died because he couldn't go to the bathroom after what they did to him. We got him through surgery but it was too late. And when I sent for him, Cristel Perez Arevalo and her team called all airlines saying that Labai had ebola, to prevent us from taking him away, and we smuggled him in the trunk of the car as you can see in the picture. I kept quiet waiting for the right time and today, after I spoke to her and realised that she didn't want to save the sick White Tigress I decided that enough is enough. SHE KILLED OUR KING LABAI...
Cristel Perez Arevalo y su equipo de @yumka_anp le dañaron el colon a Labai y lo llenaron de pulgas y garrapatas y ni operando lo pudimos salvar. Y cuando fui a recogerlo hablaron a todas las aerolíneas diciendo que Labai tenia ebola para que no lo dejaran volar y lo tuve que sacar metido en una cajuela como pueden ver. Me quede callado pero hoy que vi que Cristel Perez Arevalo se rehuso a salvar a la Tigesa enferma decidí que ya era suficiente. ELLA MATO A NUESTRO REY LABAI...
#LabaiForever #BoycottYumKa #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BJWTunity #KarmisForever #KarmaiSaLionessNotaBitch


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