Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 5月23日 02時26分

After a rainy week there is no way I was wasting this sunshine stuck inside of a gym! Took my workout outdoors today!

Try this #HIITworkout and don't forget to hydrate! When training outdoors make sure you have water, your #shredz BCAAs! ( with code Ainsley15 saves you 45% off) and Jesus ?:
5 min jog (warm up)
12 jumping lunges
Sprint 100 yrds
20 air squats
Rest 50 seconds
Sprint 90 yrds
20 mountain climbers
Rest 45 seconds
Sprint 80 yrds
10 burpees
Rest 40 seconds
Sprint 70 yrds
Plank hold 1 min
Rest 35 seconds
Sprint 60yrds
20 push-ups
Rest 30 seconds
Sprint 50 yrds
20 jumping jacks
Rest 30 seconds
Sprint 50 yrds
Rest 20 seconds
Sprint 50 yrds
Rest 10 seconds
Sprint 50 yrds
Collapse. Drink BCAAs and thank Jesus you're still alive!


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