Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月25日 06時05分

Together with congressman @picomadrazo we will scrutinize @yumka_anp money. they have a federal budget of 2 Million US Dollars plus almost another million in ticket revenue. And the director/rat Cristel Perez Arevalo complained to me that she doesn't have a budget to care for the Animals. For you to know, and I will later publish the 501 c3 bank statements later, BJWT receives approximately 25K a month from your donations, she receives approximately 10 times more than I do. Remember, she is not building habitats or rescuing more kids, that money is only for park maintenance. You agree that there is something wrong with that right? And that amount of money in Tabasco is a lot of money. The diet of the Animals that she has is super cheap.
Junto con el diputado @picomadrazo vamos a investigar exhaustivamente los recursos del zoo de la muerte @yumka_anp La rata/directora de Cristel Perez Arevalo recibe del gobierno Mexicano 35 millones de pesos anuales y de entradas entre 12 y 16 millones y se quejo conmigo de no tener presupuesto. Aquí hay algo raro. Gracias a @picomadrazo por su ayuda y por su integridad humana. Recuerden, ese dinero no es usado para construir habitas o rescatar Animales, es solo para mantenimiento y sueldos...


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