ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月25日 10時01分

Students paid their respects at the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims earlier this week. On Friday, President @Barack Obama will become the first sitting American president since the end of World War II to visit Hiroshima. But Nagasaki is not on his itinerary. While invoking Hiroshima has become a universal shorthand for the horrors of nuclear war, Nagasaki — where an atomic bomb killed about 74,000 people, about half as many as those who died in the Hiroshima bombing — has mostly lived in the other city’s shadow. Yet many in Nagasaki recognize that Hiroshima, in some ways, stands in for both cities. That Nagasaki was bombed 3 days later has made it an afterthought in the history of and debate over nuclear weapons. @adamjdean took this photo while on #nytassignment in Nagasaki, Japan.


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