クリス・シャーマのインスタグラム(chris_sharma) - 5月26日 03時35分

Huge congrats to @jon_cardwell for sending his multi year project Biographie/ Realization 9a+ in Ceuse France. I first tried the route back in 97 and it turned into a 4 year obsession. Failing over and over again, years on end , that route taught me so many more things beyond just being a stronger, better climber. It was the source of some deep life lessons in humbleness, patience and finishing what one starts. I'm always amazed how the simple act of climbing a rock face can be a vehicle for so much learning and transformation. It has been super inspiring following @jon_cardwell 's journey to send this line over the last several years and I can only imagine the ecstasy he must be feeling at the end of this long road. At the same time, climbing and life are fickle and we need these projects to give purpose and direction to our lives. Soon enough the existential crisis of a projectless climber sets in and we are forced to recreate ourselves once again. But for now Jon, enjoy the cloud you must be walking on, you earned it dude, super proud of you! ? @carlodenali

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