タンディ・ニュートンのインスタグラム(thandieandkay) - 6月1日 18時47分

We're thrilled to say that our Q+A guest star live today on thandiekay.com is the dramatic lead of the classic 1977 TV show, Roots, Star Trek and Reading Rainbow. Welcome LeVar Burton @levar.burton ! "It is hard to express quite how much of an impact the TV show Roots had on my generation. With only 3 TV channels to choose from (pre-cable TV in the UK), Roots was a major weekly event. It not only taught a whole generation of first-born brown kids about the history of slavery, but informed their white friends too. Regarding cultural signposts from my childhood summarising late-seventies Britain, Roots is significant. It deeply affected so many of us, captured our imaginations, educated us enormously and gave us pride in our black heritage.” Kay #KuntaKinte #roots


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