マット・マクゴリーのインスタグラム(mattmcgorry) - 6月8日 08時37分

Grateful for my friends (and everyone else) who showed up for #JasmineRichards today. Jasmine will serve 90 days in county jail for causing harm to no one, while #BrockTurner will probably serve the same amount of time for raping a girl and likely altering her life forever. This is how our justice system marginalizes women (especially women of color) while protecting men and whiteness. It is only through love, courage, and solidarity that we can change the world and systems around us. We must have enough compassion for our fellow human beings that we risk our own comfort and take a stand. I am talking to those of us that belong to the groups that are often protected by government, society, and our culture (men, whites, cis people, straight folks, etc). If we leave the courage and the will to protest exclusively to black folks, for example, we have sided with a corrupt system. And we make it possible for this "justice" system to make #JasmineRichards an example to all other people of color who stand up in the name of racial justice. It is our duty to change that. #FreeJasmine #BlackLivesMatter @blmlosangeles

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