タラジ・P・ヘンソンのインスタグラム(tarajiphenson) - 6月9日 15時43分

This was a VERY emotional trip!!! I really can not put into words my experience today!!! The HOPE that these babies gave ME?!?! I was so sad and could NOT stop crying because I DO NOT understand why poverty exist. ???. I JUST CAN NOT WRAP MY MIND AROUND IT!!! There is enough for EVERY HUMAN ON THIS EARTH!!! I was so sad and couldn't stop crying in #Kliptown #SkyFoundation and at #KeepAchildAlive. God bless your pure heart @アリシア・キーズ. I am so honored to be an ambassador for your beautiful #keepachildalivefoundation When in #KlipTown a young man in the program asked me why I was crying I said " My heart hurts for the ppl here". He told me to stop crying because everything is going to be alright and proceeded to sing " Everything's gon be alright" and everyone joined in on the song. I couldn't believe it. The spirit of the African ppl CAN NOT AND WILL NOT BE BROKEN!!! Now that is HOPE like I have NEVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I am forever a changed woman!!! God Bless SOUTH AFRICA!!! ?????


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