ジョアンナ・クルーパのインスタグラム(joannakrupa) - 6月10日 01時29分

Nothing else left to say. Just proves how fuc&ed up our justice system is! Only because animals can't speak and defend themselves humans treat them like trash and use them as their own property instead of cherishing them as God s given gift that we should treasure every moment. And monsters that hurt other human beings get to live out their lives in jail and waste our tax dollars! Shame on #humanity ! Our laws are backwards! Zoos are jails for animals . Ban zoos! #IGNORANCE #harambe my child would never be in this situation as I will NEVER raise my children to support cruelty and torture of animals! They will only see animals in the wild never in jail like zoos or sea world or circus! Animals deserve to be in the wild unless it's a sanctuary because hurt!

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