toyotausaのインスタグラム(toyotausa) - 6月10日 02時55分

(4/6) In a fuel cell, hydrogen electrons are released when hydrogen molecules undergo an oxidation reaction. These electrons flow through the fuel cell, creating an electrical current that powers the Mirai. The remaining hydrogen ions also travel through the fuel cell, and upon reaching the oxygen brought in at the front of the vehicle, bond with the hydrogen electrons and oxygen to form water. The Mirai produces just under one cup of water per mile driven, which can be automatically released while the vehicle is in motion or when the driver presses the Water Release Control switch on the dash. “Rebecca understands the basics of how hydrogen mixes with oxygen to create water, because two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen is H2O,” Brian says. “Every time one of her friends gets into the car, first she explains how it makes water.Then they all sit there, and they're like, ‘This is the coolest car!’ Every nine-year-old girl says that.” For more info on the #Mirai, check out the link in our bio.#MiraiOwnerStories #Trailblazers #ToyotaMirai #Hydrogen#MakePortraits #FuelCell


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