ガソリングラマーのインスタグラム(gasolineglamour) - 6月10日 06時48分

Just wanted to thank another amazing stylist who decided not to pay their fedex bill for shipping. I love having daily calls from collection agencies about a bill that's not even mine. Don't give me your fucking account # if you aren't going to pay the fucking bill. Best part is I don't even have a FedEx account and now "my account is severely overdue." What the fuck are they talking about...? They have spent the last 6 months chasing and threatening me when I have no fucking account. Stylists please don't get so caught up in fashion that you don't pay what gets you the fashion. You know you paid your @barneysnyofficial card ahhhhhhh #iquit #fuckthis #fuckfedex #fuckeverything ?⚡️???⚔? by the way this is what working in the fashion "industry" is, it's not models, champagne and good shit... It's all dumb horrible shit. You want to pay for rich celebs, get into fashion. You wanna get ripped off, get right in. You want to have lawyers on retainer, you guessed it, FASHION!!! You want to work every day of your life for free? Step right up to fashion. No fucking dice, man?? and where is the fucking clown emoji?!?!?!?!?!?????


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