呉建豪のインスタグラム(vannesswu) - 6月12日 01時59分

I never knew her personally... only from what I saw on television. She was a young girl pursing her dreams with a wonderful voice. She seemed like a sweet girl, one who would really brighten up a room full of stuffy people with her quirkiness. I have all these random emotions right now... shocked from this tragic event, disbelief that this could actually even happen, anger and rage at the shooter, frustration towards the government and their gun laws and lack there of on the education and lack of background checks, grief, sadness for her family and loved ones... None of this makes sense... I'm so mad Seriously.. No 22 year old girl deserves this... What the F*ck! Sigh... All I can do is send prayers and ask that we all do the same. Pray for Christina Grimmie and her family. Pray for the government to be more responsible, Pray in the spirit... Pray... Jus pray... Rest in peace #ChristinaGrimmie #gonetoosoon


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