アンドレイ・ペジックのインスタグラム(andrejapejic) - 6月14日 00時16分

There is no doubt that the murderous attack in Orlando was of a monstrous and reactionary character. However instead of spending time trying to assess exactly what the killer was thinking let's look at the bigger picture for a second. Mass shootings have become part of daily life in the US. Last year there were 372 mass shootings leaving 475 dead and many more wounded. Violence at home goes hand in hand with violence abroad. Since 2001 the US with other Western partners has been involved in bombings, drone strikes and targeted assassinations that have claimed the lives of 4 million people in mostly Muslim countries. The most right wing sentiments that promote both anti LGBT hatred and anti immigrant and Muslim hatred have been either promoted or allowed to thrive by the establishment that finds them to be a useful distraction from the social crisis. The answer to this violance is not more war abroad and more repression at home. Mobilize we must on an international level in a fight for democracy, for equality and against war at home or abroad.


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