glorianotoのインスタグラム(glorianoto) - 6月15日 00時37分

I think we are starting to finally see that hate is hate, regardless if you are a Government official , or a church leader, a student in your classroom, or a terrorist - SO what do we do..educate ourselves , educate our kids, educate our systems to understand our core in the evil we produce and learn to pivot it - learn to understand - and learn to not tolerate it - We want peace - yes peace is a far fetched idea but it can be done, and it certainly can be worked towards - I do not want to raise a child in a world where they are scared to go to school, a move theater , and certainly not a place where we come together to dance and be as one. What can we do and what are we doing to work towards a bigger message to stop destroying each other and our planet ? What are your ideas ? And a pessimistic attitude never created real change, so please don't start by shutting it down before you even begin to expand your mind. #carlfredrikreuterswrd #peaceonearth

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