NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 6月15日 00時54分

Double Suns! If you cast your eyes toward the constellation Cygnus, you’ll be looking in the direction of the largest planet yet discovered around a double-star system. It’s too faint to see with the naked eye, but astronomers used our Kepler Space Telescope to identify the new planet, Kepler-1647b.

Kepler-1647 is 3,700 light-years away and approximately 4.4 billion years old, roughly the same age as Earth. The stars are similar to the sun, with one slightly larger than our home star and the other slightly smaller. The planet has a mass and radius nearly identical to that of Jupiter, making it the largest transiting circumbinary planet ever found.

Planets that orbit two stars are known as circumbinary planets, or sometimes “Tatooine” planets, after Luke Skywalker’s home world in “Star Wars.” Seen here is an artist impression of the simultaneous stellar eclipse and planetary transit events on Kepler-1647.

Image credits: Lynette Cook
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