マーク・ジェイコブスのインスタグラム(themarcjacobs) - 6月15日 03時03分

SISSY, Gentle Heroine

I was thirteen years old when I first saw Sissy Spacek’s hauntingly disturbing portrayal of the pale, fragile, strawberry girl, Carrie White, in the film, Carrie. I was all-consumed and mesmerized by her ability to bring a character to life in such a way that, for me, was very profound. Sissy’s character (that type of girl) is a reoccurring artistic reference in my work. The life she brings to all the characters she has portrayed as an artist is ever expanding, evolving and inspiring. I am so pleased to share this stunning portrait of Sissy by David Sims for our Fall '16 ad campaign.


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