JYONGRIのインスタグラム(jyongriofficial) - 6月20日 01時04分

He has taught me to never settle for second best.
He has taught me loyalty, respect, and to believe in the good in people.
He has shaped me to enjoy life in the moment.
He lives and thrives purely through Love.
His intelligence never fails to enlighten me.
He works 24/7 but always wears a smile.
He may be short, but I have yet to meet a man with a bigger heart.
He is always on my side.
He makes me feel invincible.
I came home to celebrate Father's day.
But when I got home, he had my favorite dinner and wine for me. He thanked me for making him a happy Father.
That is my Dad.
He shapes my soul.
Happy Father's Day♡
#ihavenophotosofmydad #fathersday #sanfrancisco


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