宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 6月23日 11時11分

【Mamo★Dise マモのダンス Dance Time! No.5】 おはーーようございます!💖 今日は、本当に久しぶりだから、このシリーズを載せたいと思います 😁 「BEGINNING!」 ライブが大好き大好きで、このライブの 「IT'S THE TIME」 パフォーマンスを選びましたよ 😊💕 このダンスがとてもカッコよかったです!「IT'S THE TIME」 好きすぎて、ずっと見てられるー 💘 Good morning~ because it's been a while, let's do this segment today! 😁 This time I've chosen a performance from one of my favourite Mamo lives ever.. which is Mamo's 「IT'S THE TIME」 performance from his 「BEGINNING!」 live tour! 💞 I've listened to so many of his songs but this song still remains as one of my top favourites.. I just really love songs with a beat like this. 😊💘 Also when it comes to his live performances, 「IT'S THE TIME」 was one of the very first few that I watched after becoming his fan, so I really love it.. so much.. maybe too much, even.. heh. 😅 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #声優 #seiyuu #mamodisedancetime


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