シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 6月25日 05時34分

"In complete darkness, we are all the same... It is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us... Don't let your eyes deceive you".... JANET JACKSON ............................:. Tall, Short, Black, White, Green, or Yellow... Gay, Straight, Big Booty, Little Booty, thick as snicker or skinny minny.. "A" cup or "Whoa" cup?... Hung like a horse or hung like a pony ?.. Smart, funny, introverted, extroverted, naughty? or a little shy?... Pretty, handsome, or maybe a lil bit funny looking... Athletic or more of a smarty pants.. Muscles, no muscles, skinny jeans, or a little extra lovable n squeezable... Boxers, briefs, thongs, or Granny draws... Or none at all.. Freestyle Baby ? Dance, can't dance, dance anyway... Sing even if you can't.. At least lip sync... ?.. JUST BE YOU DAMMIT!!!! And laugh as much as possible!! AND.. Hell yes, LOVE YOURSELF WITH NO APOLOGIES!!! .... SHEMAR FRANKLIN MOORE said that ??????❤️ HAPPY FRIDAY


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