ブリアンナ・ブラウンのインスタグラム(briannabrownkeen) - 6月28日 03時14分

#motivational #monday
Grateful for the #cheerleaders in my life who continue to nudge, pull, encourage, inspire, lead by example, hold me accountable to my word and remind me that the journey was never meant to be easy. For my incredible friends who remind me that conflict, heartache, fear and skinned knees are often times camouflaged blessings. For the kindred spirits who remind me it's okay to learn along the way, to leap and allow the net to appear. That this daring greatly, this strength in vulnerability, this reminder that there is magic in synchronicity, in faith, will help me pivot, reinvent myself, to be bold and get back up despite any resistance that may bubble up. Thank you for all the beautiful souls who have reminded me to see myself clearly when my vision was soiled. And an especially huge thanks to my sweetie for continually adding more light into my life. ❤️ @thenewhollywoodwomen @thenewhollywoodlgbt @tnhwineandcheerios @richiekeen

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