ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama44) - 7月1日 03時01分

"It means encouraging your daughters, not just your sons, to study math and science and sign up for the football team…and if there isn’t a team for girls, maybe it means asking why not. That’s how you all will begin to break down those old stereotypes and biases –- that’s how you’ll change the way that women and girls are seen. And that’s the kind of work that we need to be doing around the world –- the work of changing culture. The work of changing expectations and standards that we have for women and girls.That’s how we’ll begin to help those 62 million girls who aren’t in school." —First Lady @ミシェル・オバマ speaking to girls and young women in Spain. Find out how you can take action in your community at 62milliongirls.com. #LetGirlsLearn


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