ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 7月2日 07時13分

Day 3 and we made it to the base of the 5th (crux) pitch. This is where we must put all of our skills to work. The climbing on Silbergeier is very much based around minute details which can be annoying if you aren't telling yourself to be patient and drop the ego. You simply cannot rush anything on this route or be hasty. It's damn scary too. Each pitch has something techy, run-out and can downright feel overwhelming. With more time being spent on the wall we're getting more comfortable and it's really coming together. Needless to say we're having an awesome time and embracing this challenge with an open mind. It's a dream route and I am really stoked to be up here in the Swiss Alps with Tim on such a wild route. @ティム・ケンプル rapping down and down and down again. Touching the ground after hours on he wall never felt so sweet.


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