AnOther Magazineのインスタグラム(anothermagazine) - 7月2日 21時23分

Artist, filmmaker and curator Zina Saro-Wiwa (@zswstudio) is taking over the AnOther Instagram today with a pineapple themed takeover. The fruit forms the focal point of her forthcoming exhibition @tiwani_contemporary, bringing together 11 artists from Africa and the diaspora to consider the pineapple's symbolism. Part 1 of 3: "I'm obsessed with this pineapple drawing. I found it in a second hand furniture store in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2015. I had a low level pineapple obsession up until that point, but after that picture 'bit' me, so to speak, I got pineapple fever in a more serious way and I started doing things like collecting pineapple-shaped biscuit tins, cocktail shakers, bookends, whatever I could get my hands on that was pineapple shaped – but not kitsch. This collecting led me to question what the pineapple signified and made me wonder whether the fruit wasn't trying to communicate with me on some level. That is when the idea of doing a pineapple show first occurred to me. Curating the show would help me understand why the pineapple was obsessing me, and actually many other people today and in centuries past." #anothertakeover The Pineapple Show is at Tiwani Contemporary from July 9 - August 13.

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