メリッサ・フランクリンのインスタグラム(missyfranklin88) - 7月5日 06時58分

What. A. Week.
There were disappointments, there was success, there was achieving, and there was failure. But most importantly there was learning and smiling throughout the whole process. Although I am so disappointed I won't be able to defend my title in the 100 back, I am so proud of myself for qualifying for the 2016 Rio Olympic Team in two individual events and a relay. This team is filled with the best of the best, and to be amongst them in any way is always the highest honor I could ever receive. I am overjoyed to be representing my country in my second Olympic Games, and can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of love and support I have been receiving. As always, go Colorado Stars, go Bears, and go USA⭐️?????

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