ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 7月6日 05時15分

Heard a cool story today about a 12yr old girl named Alexandria Pelaez.

Kim (pictured here) is her proud mom and my flight attendant who had to put up with all my diva requests like warming up my chicken breasts. She told me that her daughter, Alexandria looks up to me because being healthy and fitness is important to her - even at 12yrs old. I told Kim how awesome that is considering the many other things kids her age could be into.
She raised a good kid and felt grateful that I was someone worthy of her daughter looking up to. I thought "Hell everyone looks up to me since I'm 6'4". Dumb joke ?

I know the joy of a father's love for his baby girls (I'm blessed with two) and the point of this post was just to send a shout out to a cool kid named Alexandria who's not only my fan (clearly she has great tastes?) but who also has already adopted the best philosophy I feel kids should have.. there's no substitute for hard work.
Alright gang thanks for stopping by and reading this long ass caption. Let's get back to work. Or back to scrolling your IG feed. Or eating cake or whatever.. ????


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




