Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 7月6日 10時52分

I haven't really expressed it much in any of my recent posts but I wanted to say I'm so grateful for each and every single one of you who for whatever reason chose to follow me and keep up with my weird, awkward life thus far. 70,000 is a HUGE number, that is soooo many people and I can't believe we've reached this in such a short time, as well as the Facebook and YouTube community. I know it seems strange to some people and I'm fully aware that numbers on social media are not something to parade around like a trophy or status of one's own worth, but the point I wanted to make was since I've started YouTube I've gotten to meet so many amazing people who I would have never had the pleasure of meeting. I've gotten to communicate with and help so many people who I would have never gotten to speak to, and in return so many of you have helped me as well. I truly feel like one big family, and I treasure you all. Thank you all so much for being part of my life and increasing my power level ??:D


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