T.I.のインスタグラム(tip) - 7月7日 03時59分

I'm so proud to see my 15 yr old son post this. Let's me know he's still listening even when I think he isn't. Even HE CAN SEE how crooked & slimy this system of injustice is towards OUR BLACK MEN. I'm tired of asking America for shit the Constitution says that we have a right to,& Beyond that,we have a God given right to...Basic treatment of decency,respect,equality,& justice. I'm disgusted not only at America and how they treat us but also at myself & my people at the lack of action being taken against our oppressors. It's not time to hashtag & repost,it's time to unify,mobilize & initiate strategies to end the War that has been declared on US by the powers that be in this country. The very authorities & public servants that were appointed to protect US are being used to exterminate US. My prayers & condolences go out to the family of #AltonSterling?? You guys deserve so much more than any amount of conciliation you're being offered. You deserve the father,the husband,& the loved one u had & that was taken from you by some cold blooded murderers shielded by a badge & a uniform. #JusticeforAltonSterling #AmerikkkaAintShit #TheyNeverGaveAFuckAboutUS


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