タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 7月7日 04時36分

An officer called in? @PeterRosenberg This is what I call USING YOUR VOICE!!!!! #TagCelebs that need to see this!!! With my daughter in my arms wrapped around my neck I was apart of I leading a "Hands Up Don't Shoot" rally in Los Angeles - this is my call to action to YOU the STARS will a zillion followers - if you can use snap chat for album sales, if you can use Instagram to show the world how BIG you doing it - you can also use that same power and influence to effect change.......: They might not "like" it but are we really gonna let Donald Trump become our next president? Are we really gonna let the this police brutality continue are we really gonna continue to MILK our world and not USE our voices to make a difference?? You're a star.... So what.... Let's use our God given influence and power to make a difference..... People are gonna talk shit in your comments "haters" have a job to do - let them do their jobs.... YOU decide what you wanna do.... YOU decide how you wanna go about effective change dammit just do something - especially if you have kids...:.. Our kids don't have anyone to look UP to anymore..... Celebrities are so concerned about being "liked" they would rather watch this world crash and burn than to jump out there use their voice........ Not all celebs but most..... There's more than WE can do..... Google me homie... I don't just post I've BEEN in these streets walking WHAT I talk.....


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