目黒ケイのインスタグラム(keimeguro) - 7月7日 11時39分

When I'm off the face of social media, it means I'm working/brainstorming/experimenting/getting weird etc. Update: Currently working on a #WorkInProgress tutorial for my new blog that will be launching soon (fingers crossed). I was hoping this summer would be slow and breezy to focus on new projects like this, but there may be a change of plans- but we'll see how this goes✌?️ Can't wait to share what I have so far. #babedrawer (? reference found via #Pinterest )
P.s. I still haven't been able to contact the artists I'd like to do an art trade, so sorry! Its super difficult picking just 5. Or 10.
ブログを新しく始めるので、おもしろいコンテンツを作成中。絵の工程等、良く皆様に聞かれることをアップできれば☺️ 日本語でも書かせていただく予定です!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




