フリーディアのインスタグラム(friediamn) - 7月8日 10時29分

Sorry for the lack of YouTube videos. Been a busy week and been hard finding time to do anything other than watch the little one...hopefully soon we will have some help at home and I can work more. I'm taking it one day at a time , trying not to stress that I didn't get things done. #doingthebestican AND with the baby I haven't been able to watch much tv/news. Just finding out about everything today is making me feel super sad too. Don't understand why and how things like this happen. #blacklivesmatter #everyoneslifematters バタバタし過ぎててなかなか撮影する時間が無く、ビデオアップできなくてごめんね。最近ベビーの面倒でいっぱいです!近いうちにヘルプ雇えばもっと仕事と撮影gできるかもしれない、それまで頑張るよ!そして最近のアメリカのニュース聞いてるとなんか悲しくて。。。あれない、信じられない事沢山で。。。明日も頑張りましょう!


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