ジーニー・チェンマイのインスタグラム(thejeanniemai) - 7月11日 17時29分

Tonight's non-violent protest in #LosAngeles. I believe first and foremost we need to be UNITED. In PEACE. For Every HUMAN RIGHT. We each have our voice. EDUCATE yourself on the facts to learn how you can make it effective. If you're looking where to start, I suggest first google your local chapter for #BlackLivesMatter to CONNECT with your community. Then, get active with an organized group that is FACTUAL and EFFICACIOUS with an agenda of policies like CampaignZero.org. Hear me pls: Im not saying this is for everyone. This is just MY suggestion, what has worked for MY voice. Take your hate somewhere else bcuz hate is THE LAST THING WE NEED NOW. As far as my daily conversations, every one feels lead differently with all the pain and frustration we hear from the news. I cringe now waking up to see what I'm going to read next. But I will not allow my grieving and dismay to leave me motionless. Empathy without action is empty. So I just pray He moves every single person in America to BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. Now.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




