ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 7月12日 02時02分

Happy happy birthday (July 10th), my Love. You are a cowboy, a dragon, a slayer, an old soul with a child's love for the magic of life ✨ You are the perfect combination of beautiful traits ✨
You are as beautiful on the inside as your baby blues & Goldie locks are on the out. You are our hero & our protector. You guide & lead & bless us every single day.
The depths of you are more loving & more profound than I could have ever imagined. The love that shines through your eyes and through your actions is unbelievably empowering, healing & inspiring. Thank you for living so truly.
You, Casey Thomas, are HOME. You always have been for me ? You deserve the best that life has to offer because you give just that - the best of you - every single day. Rain or shine, snappy or happy, LOVE is behind everything you do ❤️ You are a beautiful creator, my Love. Don't ever stop following your heart or fighting for the life you dream of ---- it's all possible & you are more than worthy. Ever upward, for always ✨

Happy birthday, Casey Thomas. Thanks for livin' & for being my SUNSHINE & my safest place every day ☀️❤️?


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