Beam & Anchorのインスタグラム(beamandanchor) - 7月12日 13時03分

It's hard to know what to say that hasn't already been said but it's important for all of us to speak.

We can no longer pretend that our black brothers and sisters are not suffering. They are. They have been for a very long time.
So in the face of tremendous pain, we can only do one thing prior to knowing when and how we must act. We can pray. We can hope. We can visualize a new day.

A day in which we undergo a deep reckoning within our hearts and minds. A reckoning in which we see the truth of where we are, where we have been and where we need to go. A day where we are no longer able and willing to stand by as racism, and oppression even in its subtlest forms, continues to inform the undercurrents of our social and cultural fabric. May we create a field of peace where there is no place for senseless violence. May we deeply integrate the truth that no lives matter until black lives matter. May we see our children in the eyes of others, regardless of skin color, religious belief or sexual orientation. May we move beyond the limited thinking that has kept our minds shackled and our hearts closed.
May light nullify darkness.
May love trump fear.
Amen. #blacklivesmatter


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